This is a shortlist of books that I have read over the years that have had a significant impact on my life and thinking that I strongly recommend. Given time, I will curate this page a bit better, soon.
On Leading self
Unlearn — In order to learn and grow, we must always pay attention to what we need to unlearn, to see the world differently.

Man's searc for meaning — An extraordinary book on the purpose and meaning defines us in the most extreme circumstances.

Time off — On the importance of time off and setting aside time for slow focused work.

Resilient: How to grow an unshakable core of calm, strength and happiness — A well written book on the challenging topic of resilience.

How to begin — An inspiring book on how we better emotionally connect with our goals rather than simply make them SMART.

Integration: The power of being co-active in work and life — This book brings a broader perspective on the philosophy of being co-active, on thinking in terms integration rather than separation is essential for our well being and impact in the world.

On Leading teams and organisations
Time to think — On making space individually and in organisations to think and reflect deeply, to make space for and listen to diverse perspectives.

Rebel ideas — On the importance of diverse organisations and perspectives.

Let my people go surfing — A very thoughtful book on running a business, while being an environmentalist and aspiring to minimising the negative impact on nature.

On Leading for impact
Active hope — Joanna Macy's book to inspire hopeful action in world that otherwise tends to make us fearful and apathetic.

Good strategy/Bad strategy — Very clear and articulate book on what strategy is really about, and what's the difference between badly considered strategies versus strategy that leads to results.

The geography of thought — Bringing perspective on a different perceptioin of the world, rather than the western rationalist view.

The anatomy of peace — An easily digestible story of challenges, conflict and what's at the root of findinging peace.

Climate — A new story — Quite a dense, but articulate analysis of the current discussion on climate change, particularly emphasising the need to look beyong superficial answers to deep problems, and seeking inclusiveness rather than polarisation.

Immunity to change — Change is extremely hard to achieve, particularly in organisations. This book provides a framework for how to look at the deeper motivations behind change.

You belong to the universe — More than the book itself, Buckminster Fuller is a provocative mind, far ahead of his time.